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We believe in the power of people: as creators, as storytellers, and as icons,At the core of every experience is a story to be told, and every story needs a person to tell it. We launched Julius to help brands find the right people to tell their stories in more meaningful and intimate ways than ever
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进入网站 - 2022-11-10Campaign US
Join the Campaign community and read about brand campaigns, key moves in ad agencies and the latest thinking from international creative thought leaders.Campaign is dedicated to celebrating creative excellence across the communications industry while putting creativity firmly in a business context.
进入网站 - 2022-08-17Campaign中国
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进入网站 - 2022-08-17复旦大学信息化办公室
复旦大学信息化办公室www.ecampus.fudan.edu.cn 复旦大学历来非常重视校园信息化的建设和应用,在“以创建世界一流大学为方向”的战略目标中,明确提出了“以信息化、国际化为手段,全面推进素质教育,在科研成果、人才培养、队伍建设、产业化等方面实现跨越式发展,朝着高水平、研究型大学的方向迈出坚实的步伐”。 1995 年8 月,复旦大学成立了校园网管理服务中心,随着时代的发展,为保证落实信息化校园的建设工作,改变以往多头管理、资源分散、重硬轻软的弊病,复旦大学积极改革、锐意进取,加强了管理和服务层的队伍建设,于2001 年7 月整合了校园网管理服务中心,成立了以校长为组长的校园信
进入网站 - 2021-11-12郑州轻工业大学智慧校园门户
进入网站 - 2021-09-19