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  • txyz.ai - Integrate all paths to knowledge

    Revolutionizing the Research Pipeline by AI-Enhanced Reading, Searching, and Writing for Unparalleled Efficiency

    进入网站 - 2024-04-04
  • ALLDATASHEET - Electronic Parts Datasheet Search

    Datasheet search site for Electronic Components and Semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs and other semiconductors.ALLDATASHEET.COM - Electronic Parts Datasheet Search

    进入网站 - 2024-03-11
  • 加拿大CIC网站

    The Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website is your best source of information about immigrating to Canada, settling in Canada, and Canadian citizenship

    进入网站 - 2022-02-11
  • 通关网hs编码查询

    通关网hs编码查询https://www.hscode.net/IntegrateQueries/QueryYS/通关网 https://www.hscode.net创建智慧型物流生态链。电话:400-820-6990

    进入网站 - 2022-02-02
  • 印团网积分商城

    印团网积分商城https://www.intuan.com/integral印团网隶属福州印团网电子商务有限公司,是一家专注于印刷和纸张产业的互联网公司,以“致力于印刷和纸张交易的服务标准化、智能化”为使命,从一开始就认定必须以信息技术为主攻目标,开发智能的报价系统、高效的信息化系统平台、供应链智能云ERP系统,用全新的电商方案对传统印刷和纸张产业进行互联网化改造,真正实现信息流、物流、资金流、数据流的四流合一,推动并引领着整个行业的优化升级。印团网是目前国内最专业的印刷和纸张交易服务平台,形成了从产品搜索、报价比价、支付、智能生产到配送的交易服务闭环。服务监督: 4001185583-0。

    进入网站 - 2018-05-05
  • 透明国际官网

    Transparency International is the global civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption.Transparency International, TI, corruption, anti-corruption, abuse of power, fight corruption, integrity, accountability, bribe, bribery, graft, fraud, ethics, good governance, anti-corruption la

    进入网站 - 2013-12-04
  • 透明国际官方网站

    透明国际网站www.transparency.org Transparency International is the global civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption.

    进入网站 - 2013-07-11
  • IDG

    IDG, the world′s leading technology media, research and event company, reaches more than 140 million technology buyers in 85 countries representing 95% of worldwide IT spending.

    进入网站 - 2010-01-26