Jinan Baekeland Plastic Products Co.,Ltd
BAEKELAND, one of the leading manufacturer and supplier of various biodegradable tableware, compostable garbage and shopping bags, corn-starch cutlery and other Eco-friendly Items.Devoted ourselves to protecting the earth environment, we have been engaging in producing and supplying all kinds of th
进入网站 - 2024-05-09Video player官网
Video player官网www.allplayer.org The latest ALLPlayer 8.3 is primarily a package of the latest video and audio decoders (including ffmpeg in version 4), but there are also some new most missing features expected by users such as
进入网站 - 2018-12-23普兰店政府网
普兰店政府网www.dlpld.gov.cn普兰店市人民政府http://www.dlpld.gov.cn/gov/index.vm 普兰店市位于大连市地理中心,距大连市区50公里,距大窑湾港50公里。全市总面积2896平方公里,其中市区面积39平方公里,耕地面积610平方公里,海岸线65公里。全市辖1个(省级)经济开发区、3个街道办事处、14个镇、3个乡。共164个村、35个社区居民委,2584个村(居)民小组。总人口83万,其中城镇人口38万,从业劳动力39.8万人。普兰店历史悠久,资源丰富,尤以海参、对虾等海产品,河沙、花岗岩、地下温泉等地矿资源闻名。
进入网站 - 2014-05-18